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公司名称: Shenzhen Kenxinda Technology Co.,Ltd 
所在省份: 广东  
成立日期: 2003 
注册资金: 大于1亿 
员工数量: 大于1000 人 
年销售额: 大于1亿 
主要产品: 智能手机、手机的方案设计及生产  
公司简介: We are Kenxinda Technology Co. Ltd, in Shenzhen China which is TOP 10 famous mobile-phone brand worldwide, major products: Smart-phones, feature phones.
Now output more than 19 million phones each year by 80 production lines.

We have more than 300 staff R&D team, 200 patents, 500 own phone models etc. Fashion design and competitive products cover US$9.9-US$150.

What kind of phone (Smart, PDA, bar, slid, flip, qwerty phones) are you seeking for? 
Shenzhen Kenxinda Technology Co.,Ltd / 广东 / 深圳深南大道 (518000) / 电话:0755-82571246

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